Wednesday, July 30, 2008

40 Carrots (at Bloomingdale's)

I have a problem. I heard Bloomingdale's had good frozen yogurt, and not being one to say no to dessert, I went. I navigated through the store, crossed through bedding, and finally found what I was looking for on the 7th floor. I stood in line, quickly realized you could order two flavors at once, and made the decision to get half chocolate and half coffee when I got to the counter. I forked over my $5, and was handed back enough frozen yogurt to feed a small country. Or me before dinner. I have always been an ice cream fan--take me to Friendly's, order me a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup sundae, and I'll pretty much do whatever you want. Frozen yogurt--eh, that's for healthy people.

I have been so wrong. I'm just glad I went to 40 Carrots (the name of the Bloomingdale's frozen yogurt joint) while we are still in the city for a while--otherwise, I would have kicked myself. Or cried. It is absolutely amazing--and those who know me, know that I am very picky with my desserts. I dragged Ash back to Bloomingdale's, and he too agreed with how good it was. Fat free?? How they do it, I don't care. It's amazing. I'd eat it every day if I could.

Now here's where the problem comes in--40 Carrots closes at 7:00 pm. That's just not going to work for me. I came home, we ate dinner, and then I realized we couldn't go...and I got cranky. I proceeded to look up various yogurt joints in NYC--Yolato, Red Mango, Flurt--I haven't yet tried any of these. Pinkberry--I've tried that. It's good, but doesn't hold a candle to Forty Carrots in my opinion. (The coffee flavor is sweet, unlike at Pinkberry.) In my last ditch effort, I dragged Ash to Tasti-Delite, and ordered "Brownie Batter." Not. Even. Close.

I just may start a petition to get them to stay open later. Until then, if you come across any support groups to help me, please let me know. "Hello, my name is Neha. And I'm addicted to 40 Carrots frozen yogurt." You've been warned-- I have a problem.


Julie Cordeiro said...

you are out of your freaking mind. i love you. and I will be hitting up bloomie's the next time i am in the city.

Priya said...

umm if you have a blog called cravings now - god help us all when you become pregnant

Jenny said...

But Priya - don't you see - maybe she IS pregnant. Neha, is there something you'd like to share??