Monday, November 10, 2008

Size Does Matter

I don't like plain M&Ms. Peanut, peanut butter and the special holiday-edition mint ones I can get around. (If you haven't had the mint ones, you're missing out!) However, the plain ones, not so much.

That being said, I have no logical explanation for why I am now in love with the Mini M&Ms. They are so good, I had to start buying the fun size packages so I'd stop eating the entire tube in one sitting. However, they are just mini versions of the regular plain M&Ms. The only explanation I can come up with is, well, I guess size does matter.

(Hee hee--I'm snickering even typing that. I can't help it.)


Wendy said...

Ok crazy girl - now I wanna try the minis. I only eat the peanut then and now because of you I am in danger of having a new thing that I like that is not at all good for me. THANKS!!! I however am not yet convinced and still truly believe that size does matter!!!

Dan said...

I just found your blog!

Anyway. I don't care what kind of m&ms they are. I'll eat them, big or small. My m&m diet is supplied 99% by Mike Barger.