Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I'm on a mission!

I am now obsessed with the Choco-Pops Dark Hot Chocolate at Max Brenner. Ob-sessed. If you've never had it, you should run, don't walk, to Union Square and try it. It's your choice of hot chocolate (milk, dark or white) with these little crunchy "chocolate waffle" balls. Amazingly, the balls don't melt! I tried to figure out how to make them, but everything I come up with, in theory, either still melts the minute it's heated, or is WAY too messy to even try. I've asked at the gift shop, they don't sell them. Since they sell just about everything they make, I'm not convinced that they make them in-house.

Then, last night Ash and I went to Shake Shack on the UWS. (Priya was correct--their 'Shroom Burger is probably the best vegetarian burger I've ever eaten...and I don't even like mushrooms.) I ordered a Concrete (frozen custard with mix-ins) with a vanilla base, and then peanut butter sauce, hot fudge and Valhrona chocolate crunchies. (Awesome, if I do say so myself.) As I was eating it, I realized that they look eerily similar to the "waffle balls" Max Brenner puts in the hot chocolate and on desserts. After googling them (I already told you I was obsessed), I've found that they are actually called "Valhrona Crunchy Chocolate Pearls." I then gawked at the $9 shipping I would be charged to order the smallest amount, and closed the window.

A few minutes later, I re-googled and ordered them. I'll keep you posted.


Dan said...

let me know how they turn out.

Swats said...

You are hilarious!! BUT, I was just about to write to you about the Dark Hot Chocolate at Grom. Being that you loved the gelato, I thought it was only fair for me to tune you into this cup of deliciousness. There are three flavors -- milk, dark, or hazelnut. I went with dark, though hazelnut was tempting. I can rarely get through a full cup of insanely thick hot chocolate, but amazingly, I had almost the whole thing. Only saving a sip for Sam. A sip! He couldn't believe it either!

While on the topic of hot chocolate, have you had it from Jacques Torres yet? Sameer loves it. Way too thick for me. But, delicious too.

And, welcome to Shake Shack!! I took Shenil the other day for lunch!! Sameer and I are addicted. His niece and nephew even made us have it TWICE in one weekend when they were visiting.

We didn't complain. :)

Happy New Year to you and Ash!!!