Sunday, August 2, 2009

Recipe for "healthy" brownies!

Yes, I've tried the black bean brownies--they're surprisingly not bad. I haven't tried the canned pumpkin, but I've heard that they are decent as well. However, I wanted a recipe that didn't need brownie mix, and this one just seemed WAY too weird to work. What did I stumble across? Zucchini brownies!

Oh. my. god. They are fantastic! I wish I could claim the recipe as my own, but I found it here. I followed the recipe as written, but I made two changes-- instead of 1/2 cup vegetable oil, I used 1/4 cup oil and 1/4 cup applesauce. Also, I swapped the walnuts for chocolate chips into the batter, because hey, everything is better with chocolate chips! When you're making it, the batter is VERY dry until you add the zucchini. Also, I didn't use the frosting recipe--I just made a basic chocolate icing and used that instead, since I wanted a very thin layer.

All things said, this recipe is WONDERFUL. Probably good enough for me to keep zucchini in the fridge. And eat brownies for breakfast. Yum!

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